6 questions on the European elections (and what does it mean for European climate legislation?)

6 questions on the European elections (and what does it mean for European climate legislation?)

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.Albert Einstein The elections for a new European parliament (6 – 9 June) are seen by many as the most important European elections ever. A new European commission faces a host of challenges. Outside Europe, the…

Everything you need to know about the Global Reporting Initiative

Everything you need to know about the Global Reporting Initiative

Introduction Increasingly, organisations are voluntarily accounting for the social, governance and environmental aspects of their operations. This accountability is not only important for shareholders and financial institutions. Consumers, employees, trade unions, local residents and other stakeholders also demand transparency and consistent reporting on the governance, social and environmental aspects of the organisation. In English, these…

Green Claims Directive

Green Claims Directive

What is it? On 23 March 2023, the European Commission published a new directive on green claims (Green Claims Directive). This bill states that companies must substantiate (green) environmental claims, with the aim of preventing unjustified claims about their environmental performance. Not surprisingly, the EU is drawing up rules against companies advertising ‘ocean-friendly sunscreen’, ‘sustainable…

CSRD – regulations on sustainability reporting mandatory from 2024

CSRD – regulations on sustainability reporting mandatory from 2024

CSRD staat voor Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, regelgeving die bepaalt hoe organisaties over duurzaamheid moeten rapporteren. CSRD (in april 2021 door de EU aangenomen) is de opvolger van de Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) uit 2018. De NFRD schrijft voor hoe organisaties moeten rapporteren over onderwerpen als mensenrechten, anti-corruptie en anti-witwassen, diversiteit in de raad van…