Overview EU legislation and regulations

An avalanche of European laws and regulations is coming our way, aimed at making our society more sustainable. Many of these new laws and regulations fall under the Green Deal, with the intermediate goal of Fit for 55.CircuLaw shows you how to apply these regulations and directives to the circular

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Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directory

CSRD – regulations on sustainability reporting mandatory from 2024

CSRD stands for Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, regulations that govern how organisations should report on sustainability. CSRD (adopted by the EU in April 2021) is the successor to the 2018 Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). The NFRD prescribes how organisations must report on topics such as human rights, anti-corruption and anti-money

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Everything you need to know about the Global Reporting Initiative

Introduction Increasingly, organisations are voluntarily accounting for the social, governance and environmental aspects of their operations. This accountability is not only important for shareholders and financial institutions. Consumers, employees, trade unions, local residents and other stakeholders also demand transparency and consistent reporting on the governance, social and environmental aspects of

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Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 and the sustainability goals

As a society, we are experiencing an increasing number of challenges to the environment and our way of living. Although some things may be out of our control, others have been of our own making as we have gone through several iterations of industrialisation. We also now seem stuck in

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Green Claims Directive

What is it? On 23 March 2023, the European Commission published a new directive on green claims (Green Claims Directive). This bill states that companies must substantiate (green) environmental claims, with the aim of preventing unjustified claims about their environmental performance. Not surprisingly, the EU is drawing up rules against

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Goal 17 and the travel industry

One of the things that binds us within Goal 17 is that we love to travel. Travelling enriches our lives, or as Mark Twain so eloquently put it, ‘One must travel, to learn’.   The travel industry is growing.   But how do we ensure that our children can also continue to

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