

What is the EU-taxonomy? The EU Taxonomy is a classification system developed by the European Union (EU) to identify and define economic activities that are considered environmentally sustainable. The taxonomy provides a framework for assessing the extent to which an economic activity contributes to one or more of the EU’s six environmental objectives: To qualify…

Carbon Disclosure Project

Carbon Disclosure Project

What is the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)? CDP is a non-profit organisation that provides a global system for companies, cities and states to measure and disclose their environmental impacts, risks and opportunities related to climate change, water security and deforestation. CDP reporting is widely recognised as a leading standard for environmental reporting and is increasingly…

Green House Gas Protocol

Green House Gas Protocol

What is the Green House Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol)? The Green House Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) is an organisation that provides global standards for the capture and reporting of greenhouse gases for both the private and private sectors. GHG Protocol introduced the division of emissions into Scopes 1, 2 and 3 to provide a clear…

Human Rights Due Diligence

Human Rights Due Diligence

What is Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD)? Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) is an approach by which companies minimise their negative impacts on human rights and maximise their positive impacts. This applies to their own operations, and also the suppliers and services used by the company. HRDD is the process of identifying, assessing, preventing, mitigating…

Green Claims Directive

Green Claims Directive

What is it? On 23 March 2023, the European Commission published a new directive on green claims (Green Claims Directive). This bill states that companies must substantiate (green) environmental claims, with the aim of preventing unjustified claims about their environmental performance. Not surprisingly, the EU is drawing up rules against companies advertising ‘ocean-friendly sunscreen’, ‘sustainable…

CSRD – regulations on sustainability reporting mandatory from 2024

CSRD – regulations on sustainability reporting mandatory from 2024

CSRD staat voor Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, regelgeving die bepaalt hoe organisaties over duurzaamheid moeten rapporteren. CSRD (in april 2021 door de EU aangenomen) is de opvolger van de Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) uit 2018. De NFRD schrijft voor hoe organisaties moeten rapporteren over onderwerpen als mensenrechten, anti-corruptie en anti-witwassen, diversiteit in de raad van…